Would You Attend This Church?

emptypodiumImagine a church where every Sunday you did not know who was going to presenting the message. A church where every Sunday the music might be a little different.

Imagine a church that encouraged small groups to have a different person, that was different than the attendees, to lead them each week.

Imagine a church where you did not have a chance to “connect” with the pastor because you didn’t know who would be the “pastor” (who would lead) each week.

Would you attend a church like that?

I have been in churches where when the lead pastor announced he would be on vacation, attending a conference or absent from the pulpit one Sunday, that attendance drops for that particular Sunday.

Yet in churches, we do this very same thing to our children. Encourage many to serve, work on a rotating basis so the child has a different “pastor”, leader, teacher presenting the message each week while the adults upstairs seek to build that relationship and have consistency  in their teaching.

Would you want to go to a church where there was a different teacher/preacher each week?

If you’re child “fights” you about going to church, ask yourself, would I go to a church like that? Is the church investing in your child and working to build relationships by having consistency in leadership, people teaching/leading, or do they present a different teacher/leader each week, or month which can be difficult for a child to build a relationship, or for the leader to invest in the life of your child? Would you attend a church like that?