Visitor Follow-up and E-mail


All of the churches that I have visited have had an information card available to be completed by visitors as well as regular attenders and members. On that information card is a place to put your e-mail address if you choose to do so. The question then becomes…..
What is the church to do with that e-mail address, especially if they were a first time visitor?

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1st Time Visitor and the Internet

internetAs I continue to visit churches, I see a lot of importance placed on having greeters in place once you arrive at the facility to insure you have at least two points of contact with people as you enter. Many people say that people make a decision about the church within a few moments of entering the church, thus the importance of a quality greeter ministry.

I’d like to propose that 1st time visitors receive their first impression well before they enter the shadows of the doors of your facility. Continue reading

1st Time Visitor

Does your church have a designated parking space for first time guests? Do guests actually use that space? How well does your church recognize and follow-up with 1st time guests?


I generally will not park in a 1st time guest space on a Sunday morning, even if I am a first time guest. I feel like if you park in that space, then you put a “bulls-eye” on yourself and you get the “royal treatment” as a guest. At one church, it appeared as if there were two people watching for people parking in the visitor spots. Since I was familiar with the church, I did not park there so I do not know what would have happened if we did. Continue reading